Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Artist Group Meeting

Another lovely session with my little artist group. Once a moth they get together to talk arty business! And I absolutely LOVE it! I'm always so proud to tell my friends during the day that I have this meeting coming up, with a bunch of gorgeously talented young women who have their own arts business's & ideas. We get together to share where we are up to, bounce ideas, & get inspired. I always feel ready to take on the world and get totally focused the next day!

Hmm, although. Today is edit edit edit! I really would like to spend some time on my promotional material for the Coast. That’s my Fridays now - promo day!

Anyhow - not all of these sites are live yet - but the girls that came last night include:

Jay Dee Dearness

KT Doyle

Rebecca Thompson

Susannah Dwyer

Thea Sami

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