Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rio & Ronald

How cute are these guys! We have some funky shots from this portrait session they are just going to love. So hard to decide which ones to post! So can't wait to share the rest. And how cute is the puppy doggy! Owwww.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Katya & Mario's Wedding Day

What a gorgeous day, for a gorgeous couple! Katya & Mario got married in the park on beautiful Sovereign Island. It was so lovely & intimate, I really loved being apart of this special afternoon. And, to our surprise, I bumped into the Mr Tyson! What an awesome job of hair & make up! please NOTE: it was really windy during our photoshoot .
Congratulations on finding each other, warm wishes to you all ;-)

Thursday, March 20, 2008


How spoilt do I feel! What was I just saying, what a year! Life couldn't be sweeter ;-)
I hope you too are reaching for those 2008 goals, and having a blast while your at it! Have a fantastic long weekend, with family, friends, time to yourself or whatever it is you need most. And don't forget to eat loads of chocolate, even if it's a block, it just isn't easter without it! haha
Thanks mama. xoxo

New Car!!

Out with the old, in with the new. Super excited to get my first JEEP!! I've always wanted one of these babies. Hot! I think they can look pretty tough, and I did love my Surf, I loved the height! - but I needed to upgrade quickly and a Jeep was the only option!
I'm a bit fussy with my cars, gota be tough! I think it's in my blood. haha
Now I need to do a gas conversion, rust proofing and of course, tint the windows pimpin black!
Oh, to keep all my equipment cool - of course ;-)

Was super happy with the car dealer, really genuine and made the process so quick & easy. Robs your man if your looking for some new wheels. Like the move to the Coast, it was an overnight decision and bam - done deal! Haha.
What an awesome 2008! Lovin it!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Visitors!!

Yeehaa! Was so happy to see my little bubas today! This is my dear friend Lil and her gorgeous Charlie and super special Hayley! I can't play favorites, but am still stoked to be the proud Godmother of little Hayley. Such a special honor! I just wish I had more time to see these guys, but really can't wait till the day when she recognizes me as her godmother - the one to come to to be spoilt, have time out from mum & dad (ha!) by the beach and I really hope I have the pleasure of her coming to me for some advice!
Love you lots guys, great to see how you've both grown! xoxo

Adele & Coco

I'm usually not one in favor to photograph young children of an afternoon, but made a special exception today ;-)
Lucky the gorgeous Coco was just so excited and loves playing at the Scarborough park that it was a great success, as you can see from the couple of images below. What a sweetie!!!
Was unfortunate that dad Trent couldn't come along, but I am sure he will be so proud of his beautiful girls when he sees these images.

BAA Lunch

The Brisbane Advertising Association is always a pleasure to work with! Such an awesome team, and it's so great to watch people really enjoying themselves at their functions.
This lunch had Stephen Mayne from Crikey.Com as their guest speaker, along with a team from Leukaemia Foundation's Shave for a Cure campaign.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Trash The Dress Australia!

Hey all, just a quick note to let you know the beautiful Charlotte images made it onto the official Trash The Dress Australia Website! Wicked!

Check it out at :

So it's official, you want your dress trashed, I'm the woman to call for help! haha
No, I think it's an interesting concept & can make for a really unique addition to your wedding album. And even more exciting, a wedding enlargement on your wall - with a difference!@ How spectacular !

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kim Hay

Here is the lovely Kim Hay from Natgroup real estate, based in Ormeau.
A quick and easy session, pretty self explanatory. So just a reminder, that not only do we photograph beautiful families & weddings, but we also cover corporate events & head shots & portraits.

Thanks for choosing me to do these for you Kim.

Warm wises ;-)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Jacinta & Matthew's E Session

Thanks guys for making the trek to the Spit from Brissy on what should be a lazy Sunday afternoon! It was nice though ;-) And not too stressful I hope! haha
Great to meet you Matthew, I think your all going to be fine on the day. We didn't get in as many shots as i would have liked, as the wind today was crazy out there by the sea! I'm glad you spotted the waves crashing over the light house Jacinta, that could have ended in tears! (As in mine, over my camera gettin wet! haha)
But what I do have are pretty special ;-)

Charlotte at Natural Bridge

Inspired by the latest Trash the Dress craze amongst wedding photographers, I decided it was time to do one myself. During my Newcastle trip I found the perfect dress, and with the gorgeous Henna artwork from Elizabeth at Henna Oasis - and Charlotte my dear friend as the perfect model, we set off - for an extra long lost journey - haha thank you tomtom - not! haha to Natural bridge. How amazingly beautiful! We are so lucky to have this, right on our doorstep!
A must visit location for all!!
Anyhow, have a peep, leave your comments - I must say, my only disappointment was not gettin the shot I had set out with in my mind! And thats of Char floating on her back in the water, and sitting on one of the little waterfalls. But, it was so freakin painful to watch the poor girl chattering her teeth as we were gettin to the end, that I totally forgot!
Thank you thank you thank you Charlotte, you were awesome! ;-)